What is Heartworks Lomi Lomi Massage?
~ By Mette Sorensen – Principal and Founder of Mettes Institute of Massage & Personal Development www.MettesInstitute.com.au

Heartworks Lomi Lomi is much more than a massage technique. Heartworks Lomi Lomi takes you to a deep, quiet place inside yourself. You breathe slower and deeply, your mind is free, relaxed and “kind of empty”.
Heartworks Lomi Lomi is about creating a feeling of being nurtured and cared for. It gives you space for joy and creativity “to come”. The therapist’s touch, pure thought and breathing assist in creating MANA (power) and allow the the giver to focus on the love. This instills confidence, care and ‘openheartedness‘ in both the giver and the receiver. This is very important in creating positive healing energy.
Lomi Lomi is often referred to as a spiritual massage however the technique is actually quite practical and specific. Lomi Lomi therapists use rhythmic and flowing touch for soft and deep tissue massage.
Lomi Lomi massage has proven to be beneficial for:

- Removing lactic acid build up
- Breaking down calcium deposits
- Assisting muscle development
- Improving blood circulation
- Releasing toxins
- Decreasing the chance of stroke
- Relieving muscle spasms
- Increasing nutrient flow to muscles
- Stimulating the lymphatic drainage system
- Assisting ligament and tendon healing after an injury
- Restoring vitality
- Increasing metabolic rate
- Releasing, during and after session, emotional build ups
- Alleviating anxiety, fear, worry and negative thought patterns
- Instilling a sense of well being in the body, mind and spirit
As a receiver, you may reach a state of mind where it all seems limitless. This helps to create new visions, dreams and solutions. Your body – ‘The Temple of Your Soul‘ has been massaged and relaxed. A cleansing process is taking place, releasing toxins, cleaning up the body, freeing up tension, healing pain and illness and boosting the immune system.
The power of Lomi Lomi massage must never be taken for granted. It has the power to create an altered state of consciousness and a sacred experience for the giver and receiver. The potential for re-connecting with the spirit and healing is endless.